Ishavashyam Upanishad Verse 1
12/29/20242 min read
This entire universe of experience, whatever you experience,
whether heaven or hell, all of this universe —
Outside: what you see, hear, smell, taste, touch,
whatever your instruments and books reveal to you; and
Inside: all the thoughts, feelings, and ideas; whatever
moving and unmoving, living or non-living, every thing in this world...
All this world is to be covered by God.
Protect this realization by renunciation.
Do not covet anybody's wealth.
[What is yet to be pervaded by Your consciousness
which experiences all this?
What is yet to be filled by God's presence which abounds the world?
Protect this realization by renunciation.
Whose wealth (of experience) is there to covet?]
ईशावास्यमिदं सर्वं यत्किञ्च जगत्यां जगत्
ishavashyam = covered by God
isha = by the Lord; God (Saguna Brahman, Param Ishvara) controlling every thing as the Supreme Self of all
vashyam = cover, pervade
ईशावास्यमिदं सर्वं यत्किञ्च जगत्यां जगत्
idam sarvam = everything here that you experience
idam = this; sarvam = everything
ईशावास्यमिदं सर्वं यत्किञ्च जगत्यां जगत्
yatkinca = whatsoever (mystery, indefinite)
jagatyam jagat = moving/unmoving in the world
The Lord is the Supreme Self of all.
That One controls everything
as the inner self of all beings.
Parameshvara Paramatma sarvasya sarve sarvam ishte
God who is the greatest controller of the universe who seems to be outside, is inside you.
The Supreme Lord [with different names and forms], is the self of all beings.
How God controls everything?
"The Controller of the universe", that is the general idea of God.
Also in Vedanta, God is the one who controls everything.
You alone appear as the universe. This entire universe is false, only names, forms, and function. The reality is You.
The room and incense are separate, the room exists without the incense, and the incense exist without the room
Two Types of Pervasion
(1) As how incense light and fragrance pervades a room.
(2) Material Cause and Effect.
Every bit of a wooden table is made of wood. Water pervades the wave; the wave is nothing but water. Gold can appear as different ornaments. What is the wave apart from the water? What is the table apart from the wood? What is a golden ornament without gold? Only names, forms, activity, use (namah, rupah, vevahara). Without the underlying material, these are nothing.
You, yourself, in your Supreme nature, you pervade the entire universe like this.
Yatkinchit may also refers to Maya.
ईशावास्यमिदं सर्वं यत्किञ्च जगत्यां जगत्
= mystery that vanishes like a ghost in the light of reason
= indefinite, cannot be pinned down as a thing
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